Investing in Indonesia

Fiscal Incentives and Facilities for Investors in Priority Sectors of the Positive List in Indonesia

The Indonesian government offers a number of fiscal incentives and facilities to investors who invest in priority sectors of the positive list. These incentives and facilities are designed to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth.

Fiscal Incentives

The fiscal incentives that are available to investors in priority sectors include :

1. Tax holidays :

Businesses that invest in certain priority sectors can be eligible for a tax holiday of up to 10 years. This means that they will not have to pay corporate income tax during this period

2. Investment allowances :

Businesses that invest in certain priority sectors can be eligible for an investment allowance of up to 30% of the cost of the investment. This means that they can deduct this amount from their taxable income.

3. Import duty exemptions :

Businesses that invest in certain priority sectors can be eligible for import duty exemptions on capital goods and raw materials. This can save them a significant amount of money.


In addition to fiscal incentives, the Indonesian government also provides a number of facilities to investors in priority sectors. These facilities include :

1. Ease of business licensing :

The Indonesian government has simplified the process of obtaining business licenses for businesses investing in priority sectors. This makes it easier for businesses to start and operate in Indonesia

2. Work permit facilitation :

The Indonesian government has also made it easier for businesses to obtain work permits for foreign employees investing in priority sectors. This makes it easier for businesses to attract and retain foreign talent.

3. Supporting infrastructure :

The Indonesian government has also invested in supporting infrastructure in priority sectors. This includes roads, ports, and power plants. This makes it easier for businesses to operate in these sectors.

The Indonesian government offers a number of fiscal incentives and facilities to investors who invest in priority sectors of the positive list. These incentives and facilities are designed to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth. If you are considering investing in Indonesia, be sure to check out the fiscal incentives and facilities that are available to you.


Here are some of the priority sectors in Indonesia that offer fiscal incentives :

Manufacturing :

This sector includes a wide range of industries, such as automotive, electronics, and textiles.

Tourism :

This sector includes hotels, resorts, and other tourism-related businesses.

Infrastructure :

This sector includes roads, ports, and power plants.

Energy :

This sector includes oil and gas, coal, and renewable energy.

Information and communication technology :

This sector includes software development, data centers, and telecommunications.

If you are interested in investing in any of these sectors, be sure to contact us for more information.