Investing in Indonesia
Fiscal Incentives and Facilities for Investors in Priority Sectors of the Positive List in Indonesia
Fiscal Incentives
The fiscal incentives that are available to investors in priority sectors include :

1. Tax holidays :

2. Investment allowances :

3. Import duty exemptions :
In addition to fiscal incentives, the Indonesian government also provides a number of facilities to investors in priority sectors. These facilities include :

1. Ease of business licensing :

2. Work permit facilitation :

3. Supporting infrastructure :
The Indonesian government offers a number of fiscal incentives and facilities to investors who invest in priority sectors of the positive list. These incentives and facilities are designed to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth. If you are considering investing in Indonesia, be sure to check out the fiscal incentives and facilities that are available to you.
Here are some of the priority sectors in Indonesia that offer fiscal incentives :

Manufacturing :

Tourism :

Infrastructure :

Energy :